What makes a good headshot for business
So many business owners think of their professional portrait as a basic head-and-shoulder snapshot, just something to put on their LinkedIn profile picture… It’s not that simple! A headshot photo is your first impression that is formed long before you walk into the room. Imagine nailing that first impression and getting it out of the way in advance and not worrying about it anymore! Let’s talk about what makes a good headshot for business, so you are prepared for your professional photoshoot!
Learn more about the importance of a good business headshot in this great article on Forbes.

5 key elements that make a good headshot for business:
How do you want your potential clients to see you? Is it approachable and friendly? Maybe it’s competent and reliable?
The way you answer this question will be unique to you and your business. Depending on the type of service/product you provide, your posing choices and facial expressions should reflect your answer to that question in your business headshot.
Anyone can take a quality image these days: your mom or a partner can snap a quick phone portrait of you anytime. When it comes to your business photo though, you want it to transmit professionalism. On the other hand what would a bathroom selfie convey? Here’s Why You Should Hire a Professional Headshot Photographer.
When choosing a professional photographer, don’t just look at their work – look at the people in the photos. Do they look like they own it? Do they look confident and natural in their poses and expressions?
Choose a headshot photographer who can direct and guide their clients well. Unless you’re an experienced model, chances are you need some directions when it comes to posing. A great photographer will know exactly how to bring the best out of you for your professional business portrait.
I cannot emphasize enough how important photoshoot preparation is! Here’s everything you need to know before your shoot: A Photoshoot Preparation Checklist.
Find a day in your diary clear from work and meetings. Get your headshot photoshoot booked. Make sure you give yourself sufficient time to prepare to look your best.
Having a photoshoot date in your diary will be a great motivation to get yourself in shape (if you need to), get a fresh haircut, and get your outfits ready, and get excited!
Check out How to Prepare for Corporate Headshots for more photoshoot preparation tips.
Regardless of whether you are a chief executive or a customer service assistant, looking confident is paramount for anyone’s business portrait.
Many of us don’t like being photographed all-together. Hence this unwillingness to be photographed might project itself in your images – unease, awkwardness, and most importantly lack of confidence. Imagine you want to hire someone. You look at their profile image and they don’t look like they own it. Would you still go ahead and hire them?
What we need to remember though, that professional headshot is not about you – it’s about your business. Most importantly it’s for your business.
Here’s the secret to How to Look Confident in Photos!
A smiling profile image on your LinkedIn or About Us website page is the easiest and fastest way to make your potential clients be comfortable with you and your business. Make sure there’s at least a hint of a smile in your business headshot 🙂
You might also find useful The Perfect Headshot: What You Need to Know.
Let your passion and expertise shine from the screen when someone is looking at your professional portrait!
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