Blogging for a photography business: 2 years in
When looking at Google search results, it feels like most people want to start a blog to make money from it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great idea. Though blogging doesn’t have to be purely a money-making machine, it can also be extremely helpful with your business. Today I’m going to share with you a few ways blogging has been helping my photography business for the last 2 years.
For my Bloggaversary one year ago I posted Blogging After One Year: Lessons Learnt and Business Benefits, make sure to check it out!
5 Awesome benefits of blogging for a photography business:
More website visitors
When my website went live I thought people would find it easily. I didn’t know I needed to put any more effort into it. Months went by and I hardly had any visitors – with even less enquiries. When I started blogging 2 years ago, I noticed more and more people landed on my website. After a while enquiries started to come in, and later paying clients.
More readers = more eyes on your work
Regular website updates lead to ranking on Google
After about a year of regular blogging, I heard the long-awaited “I found you on Google” phrase from one of my clients.
SEO optimisation helps my website to be found. If someone is searching for, let’s say ‘Professional Photographer Birmingham’, or ‘Birmingham Headshots’ – thanks to blogging now there’s more chance my website will come up. This might even be the reason you stumbled upon this post.
Answering Frequently asked questions
By writing about things clients ask me about, I save a bit of time and can help by answering a question fully, by pasting a link to one of my blogs in a message or email instead of having to repeat myself over and over.
The ultimate content marketing source
Do you spend hours every week figuring out what to post on your social media? A blog is the perfect for bite-size copy and paste social media content. As a result, you’ll expand your web audience as well as growing on social media.
Every time I lack inspiration, I revisit my older blog posts. I’ll then re-purpose one of the description paragraphs. It’s very convenient, especially if you write about evergreen subjects.
Affiliate marketing/brand collaboration/sponsorship opportunities
As I’ve been keeping up with my blog I’ve been contacted by a few companies to review products, sign up for affiliate marketing programs, etc. Though I’m quite picky to which offers to say yes to. I’m a big believer that you need to be genuinely enjoying a product/service to be talking and posting about it, so I only promote products/brands that I love.
Do you blog for your business? Do you feel inspired to start blogging bow? Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about blogging for business. Also if you would like me to test your products and write a review give me a shout!
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