“I’m not creative…”
Raise your hand if you feel that you’re ‘just lucky’ every time you have a creative idea! Have you ever pondered why it is, that when we need to find either a solution to a problem, or a innovative way to tackle a project, the inspiration is not there? Let’s talk about creativity and how to ditch the ‘I’m not creative’ excuse!

What’s creativity?
Creativity – the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness
Simply put – it’s the ability to think differently. It’s part of everything we do. Creativity doesn’t necessarily demonstrate itself in doing something artsy, like painting, dancing, singing; but thinking about ordinary, everyday things in a unique way.
Being creative is subjective, the chances are someone whose creativity you admire, might not even feel creative themselves – it might be just a part of their everyday routine.
Let’s not forget that we all manifest creativity in distinctive degrees, depending on one’s specialty or experience. For example, a photographer who that has been perfecting their skills for years and years can pull out some great original techniques – more creative things than someone who’s just starting out. If you think about it, the more experienced someone is in a particular field – the greater quantity of problems they’ve solved; they have more inventive tricks up their sleeve.
Common reasons for lack of creativity
Comparison is a killer of joy and yes, you guessed it, creativity. Maybe you don’t feel creative because you’re comparing yourself to others in your field, whether it’s a celebrity photographer or a dancer who choreographs shows for pop stars, or anyone who’s famous for their creativity.
Another reason you’re not feeling creative is fear, a fear of judgement. It creates unnecessary stress, and as a result you’re not operating using your brain’s full capacity. Listen, we are being judged all the time whether we are aware of it or not. We are constantly posting our creations online. Someone might not like it, and that’s okay.
Oftentimes fear comes in a form of saying ‘I’m not creative’ to protect yourself from risk. Being creative also means taking those risks, as nothing great comes from your comfort zone!

If you want to learn how to achieve this creative effect like in the photo above, make sure to check out Slow Sync Flash: Creative Portraits at Night.
Can you teach yourself to be creative?
Great news, yes you can! You can improve your creativity if you’re deliberate about it – by cultivating and nurturing it.
First thing’s first, stop comparing yourself to others in your field. Quit observing what your competition is doing and adjust your focus inwards (that means you!).
Secondly, creativity is a mindset. Thinking “I’m not creative” is a self-defeating way to think. Harvard research shows that you become more creative indeed by shifting your mind to believe it. Your existing limiting belief is the way of least resistance, so unless you accept that’s it’s merely a belief you’ll continue thinking this way.
Focus on practicing your creativity. You can do that by opening your mind to new ideas and experiences, and taking risks. Did you know that creative people tend to be open to new ideas and life experiences, which in turn give them inspiration for new and interesting ideas? Start today! Try a new recipe, learn a new skill, discover a method to finally open that stubborn jar of jam.
Until next time! Stay safe!
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